My giant sis cum best friend (because she stands 5’10 ft) recently defined me as fun, funky and quirky. I know what fun means, funky too, and of course quirky. But quirky? It had me pounding hard on my keys searching for the exact meaning of quirky and there it was … QUIRKY: strikingly unconventional.
For the past 36 years, I enjoyed the feeling of sometimes being different from the rest thru my actions, ways and beliefs in life. A non-conformist I am, I sneak past others to bend the rules just a little bit and go against the natural flow of how things should be. (Do you find yourself reading magazines or newspapers by starting with the last page? Do you eat dessert first before the main meal?)
I take to heart the saying “if its not madness, then it is not love” for to love truly is to love passionately without holding back. I work hard to create a wonderful, loving and safe environment for my kids. I take to heart the meaning of what a daughter, wife and mother should be. One whole lifetime is not enough for me and my husky. I fear not of what tomorrow might bring as long as I am with my family and 13 pets. I fight hard and right for what I believe in life and most of all, I stay grounded and try to remain true to the meaning of my name.
I’ve always kept a diary, and now I am just glad to be back on track, though this time paperless. So here's sharing you my thoughts about the many things that matters to me and that might matter to you someday somehow should it ever suit your taste.